Over 10% of women and around 4% on men suffer with eczema on the hands. It can be really uncomfortable and irritating. It usually starts in the web of fingers and then can go on to the fingers and backs of hands.
It is common in anyone whos work involves having their hands in water a lot or washing them constantly. The harsh chemicals found in many dishwashing liquids can be bad news for eczema on the hands. It can be so bad that when treatment is applied (even the natural remedies) it can cause the skin to sting slightly. I have taken to wearing gloves now when washing the pots. Another trigger of eczema on the hands is the cold weather.
Here are a few tips to help you manage your eczema on the hands:
Before hand washing or putting hands in the water, remove rings. The reason for this is that the water can get trapped behind the ring.
After hands have been in water moisturise them with a natural eczema remedy.
Stress is also a common eczema trigger so try to reduce getting yourself stressed. I know this is easier said than done, but wherever possible it will help.
Scratching any sort of eczema can make it worse, so keep fingernails short so that if you do scratch before being able to stop yourself then the damage will be less.
More moisture absorbs into the skin at night, so when treating apply your chosen natural remedy and cover with cotton gloves and sleep with them on.
More tips can be found on my eczema squidoo lens or on my ezine articles which can be accessed by clicking below: